Thursday, February 19, 2015

Extra Cold

We started out below zero this morning.  But I should be grateful since I was able to get to the Y and walk.  This summer I will really appreciate when all the crap on the roads is gone.
I made some progress on The Traveler but it doesn't look like much.  Just deciding what to do on the handles is big progress.  This is what I came up with:

I'm lazy.  I am stitching the two sides of the handle together so that it saves me having to whip stitch them together on one side.  I was going to vary the color of the flowers but I really like the yellow flowers and they go with the sides of the bag. Do I put a little brown french knot in the middle?  Right now, I don't think so.   As I was working on one of the handles it came to me that I should do a variation of the handle design on the inside pocket.  So that's the plan. I sewed in the fabric pockets on the inside:

There is still a linen pocket that goes on top of the plain pocket.
I have a little pocket all done to put on the back.

 With luck, this could be done in a couple of days.

I started a new motif on Friesland.

I found the kit I was looking for but it is over one.  Still not in the mood for slow stitching.  I have a Just Nan mouse that would be a quick stitch - except that you have to change colors a million times.  I sound kind of grouchy, don't I?
I am toying with the idea of working on the Elizabethan Etui by Betsy Morgan.  I'll see Betsy in a month and if I have questions, I can ask her.  But as usual, I have to find the kit first.  I think I know which pile it is in.  Famous last words.